
Catholic League president: Atheists ‘out there to get us’

Compares Penn & Teller to Nazis
31.08.09, THE RAW STORY (US). Catholic League President Bill Donohue presented a paranoid side of his personality to Fox News Monday morning, declaring that “militant, dogmatic” atheists are “out to get” Catholics and dismantle American society. “I’m talking about the extremists within [liberal] ranks who have become very, very vocal,” Donohue said. “And over the last several decades what we’ve seen is an all-out assault. This kind of new atheism. This militant dogmatic fundamentalist atheism out there to get us.” Donohue appeared on Fox & Friends to talk about his new book, Secular Sabotage: How Liberals Are Destroying Religion and Culture in America. Donohue, whose Catholic League represents an estimated 350,000 Catholics, also went on the attack against “disaffected” Christians.

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